Belgium 1903.JPG (39401 bytes) OSTEND RACECOURSE Ostende 101.JPG (9735 bytes)
The Wellington Racecourse is to be found on the coast of Belgium at Ostend, a city with a population approaching 100,000. The track was built in 1883 and gained its name from the First Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley.
I am very grateful to Allan Hailstone for the photographs of the racecourse which he took on a flight from Southend to Ostend on 25th July 1960. The stand shown below can clearly be seen in the aerial shot.
The season begins in May and lasts until September. The track caters not only for thoroughbred racing, but also for harness racing enthusiasts. Its principal race is the Grand Prix Prince Rose which is contested each July.
  Ostende RC.JPG (29122 bytes)


If you have badges, racecards, pictures of the racecourse or further details about the course, including your memories, then email