Mornington 1980.JPG (17057 bytes) MORNINGTON RACECOURSE Mornington BL.JPG (17463 bytes)
Approached via the Napean Highway, Mornington Provincial Racecourse is about 35 miles South East of Melbourne in Victoria.
The first evidence of racing in the Mornington area was in 1890 when racing took place at Beleura Hill.


It was not until 1913 that the racecourse moved to its present day location on the Mornington-Tyabb Road.
  The racecourse closed during the War effort and did not reopen until December 1947.

There was a major rebuilding programme in the 1970s with significant work taking place in 1973 and again in 1978.


If you have badges, racecards, pictures of the racecourse or further details about the course, including your memories, then email